The honourable john profumo

John Profumo
Profumo's redemption involved tireless charity work
John Profumo, who was at the centre of one of the UK's most famous political scandals, has died at the age of 91.
John Profumo's public life was dramatically split into two parts: disgrace and redemption.
Nearly 40 years after he misled the House of Commons and helped bring down the Macmillan government, the former politician was a dedicated charity worker, for whom his friend Lord Longford "felt more admiration than all the men I've known in my lifetime".

The Profumo Affair
Espionage, Russian attaches, political treachery, top-notch Tory politicians.
Sex parties, call girls, secret FBI investigations, lies told in parliament.
The downfall of a cabinet minister, and ultimately the resignation of the British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan.
De Mestra!!!!
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