
... by mutual goodwill

"(...) In July 1921, at a meeting at Carlton Gardens, Churchill, Balfour and Lloyd George told Weizmann «that by the Declaration they had always meant an eventual Jewish state.» For Balfour the Arabs - «A great, an interesting, and an attractive race» as he told a Zionist audience in July 1920 - should remenber that Britain «has freed them, the Arab race, from the tyranny of their brutal conqueror» the Turk; therefore he hoped they would not grudge «that small notch in what are now Arabs territories being given to the people who for all these hundreds years have been separated from it». Indeed he was sure that such a difficulty «can be got over and will be got over, by mutual goodwill»( ...)"

Max Egremont
(Balfour- A life of Arthur James Balfour)



At 11:14 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

As causas das coisas

At 11:28 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Didn't they thought about Madagascar ? A very true Island ...

At 7:53 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Este texto retrata o «nervo» e o «alicerce» de todas as guerras no Médio Oriente. Excelente.


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