
The truth is simpler

«Politicians and pundits often like to think that elections are won through a mixture of policies, big ideas and an appealing image. The truth is simpler. All these are but ingredients of a larger point: trust. Most people are not very interested in politics. They decide either that they trust an incumbent government so little that they kick it out, or that they trust a party enough to put or keep it in.» (The Economist, 21.2.2002.)
# posted by PG : 2:29
(via Bloguitica)



At 8:02 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

«(...)or that they trust a party enough to put or keep it in(...).

They do not trust in any party.
That's all.

At 4:47 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Pois dia quinze de Julho lá virá a surpresa...


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