

"Smiling despair. No solution, but constantly exercising an authority over myself that I know is useless. The essential thing is not to loose oneself, and not to loose the part of oneself that lies sleeping in the world"
A. Camus

" .But there was more to Kennedy than matinee idol at the down of the age of mass political merchandising. Beyond his looks - the recently disciplined shock of chestnut hair, the smiling stand of teeth, the gray, calculating eyes - the matrix of the man was unusual. He had an open, inquiring mind, a passion for ideas that was largely undulled by the neurotic and atomized practice of politics, and an experiencing nature that bordered on Dionysian. Despite the chaos and exposure of the previous week, he had found the time and motivation to consort sexually with Judith Campbell, Marilyn Monroe and the former wife of a diplomat.


The title of the Esquire article," Superman comes to the Supermarket", suggested that Jack Kennedy could bridge cultural and political opposites and satisfy a deep yearning in the body politic. He could be Nietzsche`s superman, "a world historical individual" who could enter the undifferentiated commercial uniformity of the supermarket and impart heroic meaning to national and, even, individual life:

It was a hero America needed, a hero central to his time , a man whose personality might suggest contradictions and mysteries, which could reach into the alienated circuits of the underground, because only a hero can capture the secret imagination of a people, and so be good for the vitality of his nation; a hero embodied the fantasy and so allows each private mind the liberty to consider its fantasy and find a way to grow."*

R. D. Mahoney

Norman Mailer*

Bruno ventana